What is WUEF? Continued state budget cuts have left public schools without the funds needed to staff and run curriculum based art and music programs. WUEF is a parent-run non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established to cover the budget gap and ensure we can continue these enriching educational programs each year.

The WUEF board meets monthly to develop plan, and execute fundraising activities. At the end of each school year, we meet with the district to review needs against total funds raised. A grant check is then presented to district for use the following school year. If we fall short of our fundraising goals, these important programs are at risk of elimination.

Where does the money go? In order to fund the salaries of the art and music staff, WUEF must raise approximately $200,000 each year. This ensures that we continue to provide our children with:

  • An award winning art program

  • Vocal music teachers at every grade level

  • An award winning instrumental music program in grades 4-8

  • New document scanners, printers, digital cameras, computers for the computer labs, tablets, and other technology needs. 

I’m in! How can I help? The cost to provide these vital programs translates to just $185 per student, or $15.42 per month. One less Starbucks a week is a small price to pay when you consider the lifelong benefits our children reap by being exposed to the arts. You can send in a check using the form on the next page OR our online option allows you to pay using a credit card through our secure website. You can even spread your payments out over the school year! 

We would love to see everyone participate. Our goal is have 100% of the families in our district participate in the Fall Campaign because 100% of the students in our district benefit from the funds raised by WUEF. If you cannot donate $185 per child, please donate what you are able to give. No amount is too small! All donation are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Thank you in advance for your generous support! With your help, our district continues to stand out among the rest!

WUEF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization Tax ID #77-0037407

820 Park Row, Box 473, Salinas, CA 93901



WUEF Fall Campaign 2016-17

YES! Our Family Supports Art, Music, and Technology!

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Credit Card Information

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I agree to pay above total amount according to card issuer agreement. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.